With outdoor photography you can share the beauty of the wilderness with your friends and family. The first and most important rule when taking pictures of wild animals is to be patient! Good pictures require lots of it so make sure you move slowly and don't scare the animals away. Keep far enough away to stay unnoticed, but close enough to get the good shots.
It's important to remember that small animals will look small in a picture, unless you take the picture closer to ground level or the same level as the animal. This will make them appear bigger. You may need a zoom lens for this type of a photograph. This is probably something you will want to consider when purchasing a camera.
Even if you don't get any good pictures on the first day, don't be discouraged. There will always be another opportunity to take a good picture. Also, don't get too close to large wildlife, since they are big and can be photographed easily.
Always be prepared since the right opportunity for that awesome shot can be there one second and gone the next. Be sure to capture the eyes of the animals that way it looks more like a portrait than a snapshot. This will make for a great photo.
Natural lighting is another important factor in outdoor photography. Depending on the time of year and time of day, your lighting will vary. The time of day, such as sunrise or sunset can give your photo a different personality and feeling because the angle of the sun will cast a different shadow.
You may have to use a fill flash to decrease the amount of shadows in the picture. The time of year also has some bearing on the lighting. The worst time of day to take pictures is mid-day, since the sun is directly overhead. The use of flash and help offset the harsh shadows the sun creates, especially in the middle of the day.The best way to ensure photo brilliance is to use a tripod. It will bring out the best in your subjects and the lenses you buy. Find a sturdy, rigid tripod, as this will create the best images with the sharpest focus.
Make sure to keep your lens clean since sand or dust can create specks on all of your photos. If there is sand on your lens, you may not want to try cleaning it yourself. See a professional because if you scratch your lens, you will have to buy a replacement or else have scratches in all of your pictures, which is no good.
After you download your images to your computer, you can use a photo editing program to tweak or enhance your already beautiful photograph.